What is a Circular Economy?

The circular economy is an economic system where materials never become waste and nature is regenerated. In a circular economy, products and materials are kept in circulation through processes like maintenance, reuse, refurbishment, remanufacture, recycling, and composting. The circular economy tackles climate change and other global challenges, like biodiversity loss, waste, and pollution, by decoupling economic activity from the consumption of finite resources.

In our current economy, we take materials from the Earth, make products from them, and eventually throw them away as waste – the process is linear. In a circular economy, by contrast, we stop waste being produced in the first place.

Ellen MacArthur on the basics of the Circular Economy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBEvJwTxs4w

Source NatureLink and the Circular Economy » Gaia Resources

By transitioning to a circular economy, businesses, governments, and individuals can reduce environmental degradation, conserve natural resources, and create economic opportunities through innovation and resource efficiency. This shift is increasingly recognised as essential for addressing global challenges such as climate change, resource scarcity, and pollution.

What is the EMRC doing to be more circular?

Hazelmere site:

  • Timber Recycling Facility

    • Untreated waste wood (such as pallets, packaging and crates, off-cuts and cable reels) into woodchip fines and woodchip. The woodchip fines and woodchip are sold as an end product (animal bedding) to established markets in the broiler grower and livestock industries, whilst the woodchip remains as residual waste for which there are currently limited markets (landscaping)
  •  Mattress Processing

  •  Shredded steel springs are recycled into the manufacture of new steel where possible.
  • Circular Energy Recovery Plant

    • Circular Energy Recovery Plant converts woodchips to renewable electricity and biochar.
  • Western Power Pole Processing

    • The timber from the power poles is turned into - woodchips. Significant quantities of reinforcing steel from the power poles are recovered and recycled. 

Red Hill Waste Management Facility:

  • FOGO Processing

    • Food Organic and Garden Organic (FOGO) waste from Member Council residents is turned into organic certified compost using a mobile aerated floor system.
  • Garden Organics Processing

    • Garden Organics is either turned into mulch or soil conditioner.
  • Capture of Landfill Gas

    • The Landfill creates methane gas which the EMRC captures and is used to generate electricity, producing 3.8 megawatts enough to power over 4500 homes.
  • Household Hazardous Waste Facility

    • Red Hill accepts household hazardous waste from residents; this hazardous waste is stored prior to collection for recycling.


Public Workshop and Education: 

  • Clothes Swaps

  • Tours

  • Repair Workshops

  • Waste Reduction Workshops

  • Sustainability workshops

  • School and Community Incursions

Circular Economy Roadmap

The EMRC and the Circular Economy Western Australia (CEWA) have partnered to design a Circular Economy Roadmap to help businesses and local governments in their approach to joining the Circular Economy Revolution.

The Roadmap includes nine webinars that cover different aspects of how to move towards a Circular Economy. These webinars benefit organisations, governments, communities and other EMRC stakeholders in planning a transition to a Circular Economy.

To view these webinars please see below:


Topic: What is a Circular Economy? Case Study - Oranje Tractor

Meeting Recording:


Access Passcode: WL9.nan8


Topic: How to Accelerate Circularity in Local Governments

 Meeting Recording:


Access Passcode: w7!0Bu8Z


Topic: Plastic Ban Best Practices and Circular Economy

Meeting Recording:


Access Passcode: G^Ax9C2P


Topic: Re-thinking Textiles to Embrace Circularity Webinar 

Meeting Recording:


Access Passcode: N@8&5QPd


Topic: Circular Economy Helping To Reduce Biodiversity Loss 

Meeting Recording:



Topic: How to Embrace Circularity in your Home

To view the webinar recording:


Access Passcode: &hQ6+$fm

How to Embrace Circularity in your Home

Topic: Procurement in a Circular Economy for Local Government

To view the webinar recording:


Access Passcode: ?t86hYEy

Procurement in a Circular Economy for Local Government

Topic: Paving The Way Towards Net Zero Emissions: Decarbonated Alternative Raw Materials

To view the webinar recording: 


Access Passcode: VD1PM&%O

Paving The Way Towards Net Zero Emissions