Project Status
The Project Findings in Detail
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Southwestern Australia contains freshwater species found nowhere else in the world, but the climate is drying. Streams and wetlands that used to contain water all year round now dry out in summer-autumn and there are fewer and fewer permanent waterbodies. In summer-autumn, farm dams provide the majority of freshwater habitat present in the Perth Hills landscape. As a result, farm dams may provide an important refuge from drying for freshwater species.
This project aims to:
Researchers from Murdoch University will be visiting farm dams to identify plants, invertebrates and tadpoles. Landholders and other volunteers will be citizen scientists, recording data on waterbird and frog usage of dams.
The project is a collaboration between the Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council (EMRC) and Murdoch University and is jointly funded by Lotterywest, the EMRC and Murdoch University.
Stage 1 of the Farm Dam project has been completed, 40 private landholder dams and dams in local government reserves across the Shire of Mundaring and the City of Swan were surveyed for frog and bird data with the assistance of citizen scientists. This valuable contribution by the community acting as citizen scientists complemented the aquatic plant, macro-invertebrate and tadpole data collected by Murdoch University
The EMRC and Murdoch University, engaged with Birdlife Australia to develop a waterbird guide for the region, which is now available as a tool for other community activities and projects.
Two training workshops were delivered at the start of the project to train volunteers (including landholders) to collect data on waterbird and frog use of farm dams (using the BirdData and FrogID phone apps) as well as individual training sessions for those participants unable to attend the workshops.
Volunteers collected data on waterbird and frog use of farm dams in spring 2018 and autumn 2019.
Murdoch University Researchers (Dr Robson, Dr Chester) collected data on aquatic plant, invertebrate and tadpole biodiversity in >50 farm dams and >50 natural waterbodies in spring 2018 and autumn 2019. They also collected basic water quality and habitat description data for these sites, while liaising with landholders; benefiting both landholders and researchers.
Dr Robson and Dr Chester identified invertebrates and processed water quality samples in the laboratory, then carried out statistical analyses of biodiversity. They downloaded and analysed the waterbird and frog call data.
The project end was marked with an information session "The results are in" on 30 August 2019 with Murdoch University presenting study results to participants, including landholders, volunteers, and environmental officers from local government, Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions.
The event included "where to from here" as Murdoch University presented the options for trialling new tools for increasing dam biodiversity.
2019 - Farm Dams Project - Final Presentation
This project has been highly successful, delivering on all the project aims, as follows:
Project aim 1: to determine what native freshwater biodiversity is supported by farm dams.
Outcome – farm dams do support substantial native freshwater biodiversity. After summer, when most natural waterbodies are dry, farm dams form the main habitat available.
Project aim 2: to determine whether paddock and on-channel dams support different components of native freshwater biodiversity and exotic species, because of their different degrees of connectivity.
Outcome – Paddock and on-channel dams do differ in their biodiversity capacity. Therefore, different biodiversity management approaches will be appropriate for each type of dam, especially accounting for the movement of feral predators (Gambusia).
Project aim 3: to identify the characteristics of farm dams associated with higher native biodiversity.
Outcome – This research identified 3 important components for biodiversity that have potential to be developed into management tools: (1) in dams without aquatic plants, increasing plant cover should increase animal diversity; (2) in dams without woody debris and leaf litter, increasing cover should increase animal and plant diversity; (3) in dams with Gambusia, reducing Gambusia numbers should increase animal diversity.
Project aim 4: to train landholders as citizen scientists and increase the capacity of all landholders with farm dams to manage them to sustain native biodiversity through web-based knowledge dissemination.
Outcome – Landholders are now aware of the contribution their dams can make to supporting native biodiversity, and they have developed the capacity to collect data for research, as citizen scientists. We now have landholders with >50 farm dams engaged in this project and keen to continue to collect data and make their dams available for trialling new biodiversity management interventions.
Enquiries related to:
General enquiries
Karen Warner, NRM Coordinator, EMRC
(08) 9424 2242
Murdoch University (regarding site visits or other inquiries)
Ed Chester
Frog ID App problems (i.e. with logging in)
Adam Woods, Science Communications and Project Coordinator: FrogID | Australian Museum Research Institute
61 2 9320 6242